Introducing Indexter

Dominick Caponi
3 min readDec 1, 2022

Sign Up For the Beta & be Part of the Product Journey With Me 🙂

Organizational Entropy

One of the biggest challenges of running teams at scale is getting everyone on the same page… literally. The collective learnings of our team over time get spread everywhere, and there’s no way to keep the raw information reconciled. Entropy of the organization and its information, especially in distributed remote-first teams, only grows over time.

Curb Your Entropy?

When entropy is not curbed, you end up with a large and growing space for searching for facts and those facts have a tendency to get out of sync. This makes onboarding, feasibility research, content production, and cross team work, to name a few, a massive time and energy sink.

Imagine searching for a penny on the 50 yard line; easy. However, when your team stores data in documents, spreadsheets, slides, and across 2–3 vendors, that’s like trying to find a floating penny in the football stadium and some of those pennies you find may be counterfeit because the person who’s supposed to remove counterfeits doesn’t even know they exist.

Organizations try to curb entropy with arguments over which platform is the “source of truth” or by restricting where content lives and how it’s created, introducing friction to how people want to work and express ideas. Restricting the documentation source doesn’t stop loss of information stored in chat messages, or that one person who goes rogue and uses the legacy documentation system you haven’t fully removed.

Let Indexter Manage Your Entropy

A fundamental fact of thermodynamics, the universe, and a kid’s room is that disorder (entropy) always increases. This fact is true in organizations, and no amount of rule making is going to solve those problems above without introducing a significant bureaucratic overhead to your team. So don’t manage entropy yourself — let Indexter help you.

Indexter will scan and index all your documents in all your information repositories and make everything searchable wherever you spend most of your work day. Unlike an enterprise search, Indexter does not have a fussy query language to learn, dedicated single search UI, or complicated setup. We offer a number of plugins to allow you to interact with Indexter like an invaluable member of your team.

As you use Indexter, they’ll surface documents that you may have long forgotten about or didn’t know existed so you can ensure your collective knowledge is consistent and accurate. Indexter will eventually be able to read documents you’re currently working on and suggest related content to help with your research and reduce potential rework as well.

Supercharge Your Knowledge Base

Beta signups are open now! Head on over to and join our Slack to take the bot for a spin. I’m also there to talk about what you’d want to see in the product or why you think it’s a good/bad idea. You can also DM me here or reach out to with questions or suggestions. Since this is a beta and I’m just one guy, please be patient with requests for support or privacy queries.

Near Term Planned Items

  • Microsoft Word & Selected Slack Message Indexing
  • Discord & Microsoft Teams Integration
  • Shared Team Indexes (Current index is per user)
  • Polish… Lots of UX/UI & Platform Level Polish

